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Welcome to the Quote Wizard

We understand that every project is unique and requires personalized attention. Our Quote Wizard is designed to gather all the necessary information from you, ensuring that we provide you with an accurate and tailored quote for your specific needs.

Whether you're looking for web development, design services, content creation, or any other project, this wizard will guide you through the process of providing essential details that will allow us to deliver a quote that matches your expectations and budget.

We value your time, so feel free to answer as much or as little as you can. Rest assured that your information will be kept confidential, and there are no obligations until you are ready to proceed.

Let's get started on transforming your ideas into reality. Simply follow the steps and provide us with the information needed. We're excited to be part of your project and look forward to delivering exceptional results for you!

Click "Next" to begin the journey.
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In-Store Video System - Technology

Coming soon
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Content (Video Promotion)

Design materials will be provided by the customer. But need to edit and format to be displayed or used online.

This may include photo/videography. And also need to edit and format to be displayed or used online
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Content will be delivered online and the customer is responsible for downloading and connecting the media to the TV.


We manage the content delivery online. Customer can specify what to display when.
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Web Design


In-store Video Promotions

IT Services

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Web Design

Note: This section is only for template-based web design. Please contact us directly with your requirements for a custom web design.
Contact US

Template-based web design offers pre-designed templates with different layouts, colours, and designs. It's cost-effective, faster than a custom design, and includes built-in features and functionality. It's a convenient and practical way to establish an online presence without much hassle or expense.

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Single Page Websites

These sites offer a streamlined and focused experience. They're great for promoting a product or providing event information.
They can increase conversions effortlessly with a clear call to action.

Multi-Page Websites

Multi page sites offer more content than single-page sites and are good for businesses with multiple products or services, complex navigation, or a blog. They're also better for SEO by targeting more keywords.

E-Commerce Websites

Selling products and services to a larger audience while improving marketing strategies is made possible through online shopping websites, which also allow for the monitoring of customer behaviour.

All-in-One Websites

Selling products and services to a larger audience while improving marketing strategies is made possible through online shopping websites, which also allow for the monitoring of customer behaviour.
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IT Services

Coming Soon
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Promotion Type

PPC Marketing: Accelerating Success Instantly

Organic Marketing:
Cultivating Growth Naturally

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Useful links

provide some links related to the topic, including those of your competitors and your own?

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Visual Preferences

Do you have any specific color schemes or design elements in mind?
Primary colour
Secondary  colour
Tertiary colour
Please provide the links to your desired design on our sample hub.

Paste the links here. Line by line

Only from Roots Asa Sample Hub

Note: This section is only for template-based web design. Please contact us directly with your requirements for a custom web design.
Template-based web design is the answer for the most affordable, ultra-fast and stunning websites

Are there any websites whose designs you admire or want to use as inspiration? Like competitors or any site outside our sample hub

Paste the links here. Line by line

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In-Store Video System - Technology (1)


Content will be delivered online and the customer is responsible for downloading and connecting the media to the TV.

Roots Asa to supply

Everything will be provided and installed by a certified electrician.
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Design Requirements

Please fill in as much detail as you can, and feel free to skip any questions if you are not sure.

1. What is the primary purpose of your website?
2. What specific goals do you want the website to achieve (e.g., increase sales, generate leads, provide information)?


1. Who is your target audience for the website?
2. Key demographics of your target users (age, gender, location, interests).


1. Do you have a brand style guide that should be incorporated into the design?
2. What emotions or messages do you want the website design to convey?


1. What features and functionalities do you want on the website (e.g., contact forms, e-commerce, galleries)?
2. Are there any specific integrations needed (e.g., CRM, email marketing)?

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Maintenance and Support

Yes or No

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Initial Content



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if you have a budget let us know or let us know the output standard.

Hint- Give me something cheap and something good to show my clients.


Hint- Best of both worlds


Hint- Im very picky and looking for exceptional design

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The final estimated price is :


Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :